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Published Consensus Statement Offers UTI Treatment Recommendations

As a member of AMDA’s Infection Advisory Committee, Kalin Clifford, Pharm.D., an assistant professor for the TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy, helped develop a consensus statement in an effort to devise consistent guidelines for treating urinary tract infections.

Staying Mentally, Physically Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic

Psychiatrist Amy Stark, M.D., makes recommendations to stay both mentally and physically healthy during this time of uncertainty.

Patient Navigators Cut ER Visits, Hospitalization For High Risk Health Care Users

TTUHSC recently completed a study to determine if an interprofessional patient navigation program (PNP) created using Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) guidelines can help decrease emergency room visits and hospital admissions for these high consumers of health care.

TTUHSC Faculty Presented Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching & Research Awards

Dr. Tedd L. Mitchell, chancellor of the Texas Tech University System, and Lori Rice-Spearman, Ph.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) interim president, presented the 2020 Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching and Research Awards Thursday.

Pharmacists a Force in Treating Alzheimer’s Disease

Amie Blaszczyk, Pharm.D., is frequently asked about the differences between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Local Patient Finds an Ally at TTUHSC

For years, Canyon resident Ashley Campbell lived with symptoms that eventually would lead to a diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system that has many causes.

School of Pharmacy Recognizes Faculty, Staff

The School of Pharmacy on May 10 conducted its annual Celebration of Achievement to recognize faculty and staff who helped make the 2018-2019 school year a special one.

Dean’s Faculty Appreciation Dinner

Over 170 School of Medicine faculty were honored for their role in medical education, research, patient care, and administration on May 2nd.

Das Research Published in High-Impact Journal

A research paper authored by Hiranmoy Das, Ph.D., a professor for the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy, has been accepted for publication by Autophagy, the top-ranking journal related to autophagy research with a current impact factor of 11.10.

Communicating for Aphasia

Aphasia disrupts communication and impairs language processing. This affects every aspect of an individual’s ability to produce or comprehend speech and the ability to read or write. More than two million people in the U.S. are living with aphasia.
