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An Open Book: Nursing Founding Dean Shares Her Story

Teddy Jones, Ph.D., R.N., always wanted to be a writer. Now, after a successful career in nursing, she's living her dream.

Allied Health Thanks Donors Who Make a Difference

The School of Allied Health Sciences will award more than $160,000 in student scholarships this year thanks to private donors.

Ground Breaks on Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing

The new 34,000-square-foot facility will be located across from the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine in El Paso.

Dress the Part: Medical Students Don First White Coats

Marking the transition from preclinical to clinical health sciences, the School of Medicine Class of 2017 participated in the annual White Coat Ceremony.

The Healing Spirit: Longtime Educator Leaves His Mark

For 35 years, Tom McGovern, Ed.D., has touched the souls of countless community members and students.

Congratulations, Graduates!

Thousands were welcomed into the health care field at the annual commencement ceremony.

Dr. Samuel Prien: A Medical Mentor

Through his appointment in OB-GYN and Animal and Food Sciences, Prien teaches students at all levels a love for research.

More Students Man Up for a Career in Nursing

The health care workforce continues to grow and change, and the nursing profession has been no exception.

Providing Care Doesn't Break for Nursing Student

Karenia Nelson was returning from a spring break trip when her health care education was put to the test.

Medical Students Meet Their Match

Held simultaneously across the country, Match Day gives medical students the opportunity to learn where they will continue their medical careers.
