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PTSD Affects People from All Walks of Life

Sarah Mallard Wakefield, M.D., chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, said PTSD develops in the sympathetic nervous system, a part of the body’s autonomic, or automatic nervous system.

Team Member Spotlight | Amie Taggart Blaszczyk, Professor and Division Head

Amie Taggart Blaszczyk, Professor and Division Head of Geriatrics and Pediatrics for the School of Pharmacy, discusses how she came to join TTUHSC and shares what she enjoys most about her role.

Ergonomics: A Critical Piece of Occupational Therapy Education

When we hear the word “ergonomics,” many of us merely think of office chairs and good posture, and that’s as far as our understanding goes. But there is much more to ergonomics than just your desk chair.

TTUHSC Scientist Seeking Solution to Antibiotic Resistance

A team of researchers led by Hongjun (Henry) Liang, Ph.D., from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Department of Cell Physiology and Molecular Biophysics, recently investigated whether or not a series of novel nanoparticles can kill some of the pathogens that lead to human infection without affecting healthy cells.

Students Begin Traditional BSN Program at TTUHSC’s Amarillo Campus

TTUHSC welcomed the first class of 20 students to the traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at the Amarillo campus with a welcome event and press conference Jan. 19.

Lubbock National Bank Employees Donate to C.A.R.E.

A gift of $10,000 from Lubbock National Bank will help provide care, comfort and healing for abused children from West Texas. Bank representatives presented the check at C.A.R.E. (Center for Advocacy Research and Education) on Jan. 6.

The Intersection of Physical and Mental Health

Associate Professor Dave Schroeder, Ph.D, spoke about the intersection of physical and mental health. Schroeder is the clinical coordinator and former director of the TTUHSC School of Health Professions Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program.

Winter Weather Poses Unique Challenges to Healthy Skin and Hair

Michelle Tarbox, M.D., a dermatologist for Texas Tech Physicians, said there are steps we can take to help keep dry skin and hair conditions at bay.

Improving One’s Health in the New Year

Many people believe joining a gym or taking up the latest diet plan are the keys to improving their health, but before doing so, Frank Babb, M.D., recommends people schedule a wellness exam with their family doctor.

Human Obesity and the Role of the Physician Assistant

Chanaka N Kahathuduwa, M.B.B.S., M.Phil., Ph.D, an Assistant Professor in the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center’s Physician Assistant Program, spoke about the causes and effects of human obesity and how Physician Assistants (PAs) are equipped to diagnose and treat the problem.
