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March 2020 Archive

Making a Difference: the Free Clinic Extraordinary Volunteers

I chose to pursue a career in medicine because each day presents with novel challenges and problems that when solved correctly can make a significant impact in someone’s life. The Free Clinic is an incredibly unique place that gives me the opportunity as a second-year medical student to take the information that I’ve learned in class and use it to make a difference in my community.

Does Hardening of the Arteries Begin in Your Gut?

Atherosclerosis is the most common form of heart disease and is responsible for 50% of all deaths in the U.S. This chronic inflammatory disease is characterized by the formation of fatty “plugs” (called plaques) within the blood vessels of the heart that may reduce or even prevent blood flow to this vital organ. Severe reduction of blood flow to the heart may lead to a heart attack and/or death.
