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April 2022 Archive

Bridging Academia and Industry to Advance Drone Technologies

Alongside Texas Tech University and 2THEDGE, a leading technology consulting and investing firm, TTUHSC unveiled the groundwork of a future public-private collaboration supporting the advancement of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) research at a summit event on the TTUHSC campus Wednesday, April 6.

CATR: Supported by TCHATT Benefits Schools, Students Across Texas

The CATR program provides mental health services to students and professionals in rural ISDs across Texas. CATR is now CATR: Supported by TCHATT, which has allowed expansion into new regions.

Lt. Col. and TTUHSC Alumna Presents Special Flag to School of Nursing

Lt. Col. Kristina Spindel, a 2014 graduate of the TTUHSC School of Nursing and a flight nurse in the U.S. Air Force Reserves, presented the school with a Texas Tech flag that was displayed for several years at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan.
