New Year. New Site. New Coming Soon

We're ramping up for the launch of the new website in January 2018! The newly redesigned templates offer a clean, uncluttered, responsive design that scales beautifully on all of your devices. We also have 22+ new snippets designed to provide our web editors a wide variety of ways to offer our visitors enhanced, rich content. Overall, the new site will provide our prospective students, current students, faculty, staff and community a fresh, new look at TTUHSC. 

website home page

In order to take advantage of the stylish new templates, your department must go through the content separation process to review your content, establish your URL and update SEO and accessibility information. Contact for more information on this process so you don't miss out.


Pages must comply with accessibility standards before they can be published, and all videos must be closed captioned. Videos that are not compliant must be removed. Need help with videos? Contact Departments are responsible for closed captioning costs.

Acronyms are not your friend online. Prospective students, visitors and most of all search engines frown upon acronyms and prefer full words. All schools will experience a transition from their old URL to a new one, such as to Update printed materials now.

Watch your email for updates. More details coming soon. 

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