Tis the Season for Parties and Those Extra Pounds


During the holiday season, we are often tempted with high calorie, tasty foods. If you have a good diet and healthy eating habits, a few dietary indiscretions over the holidays will not hurt. Dietitian Kathy Chauncey says it is possible to indulge without having a holiday war with our waistlines.

It is just as important to watch how much you eat as it is to watch what you eat. By practicing portion control and eating more slowly, you will be working to avoid unwanted weight gain. Also, eating a light snack before attending a holiday event will also help in preventing the possibility of overeating.


Remember a few seasonal eating tips will help in the battle of the bulge.

  • Drink plenty of water in between meals. It may diminish your appetite for holiday goodies
  • Eat slow. It can take 20 minutes for your brain to realize that your stomach is full.  
  • At the holiday party, don’t just reach for the sweets. Mix your plate with plenty of vegetables as well.
  • Exercise everyday.

Chauncey says the bad news is that holiday pounds can sneak up on you and stay with you. Through the years, the weight can accumulate to an unhealthy number if you are not careful.  This holiday number one is to just have the right attitude about the food. You know food is part of the holiday, but it is not all of the holiday. And there are many good activities, family and friends that you can concentrate on.



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