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Let's Talk About Sex

Sexual activity and STDs are on the rise in senior citizens and college students.

Man Up Against Testicular Cancer

PC Support Unit Manager Jason Morton's testicular cancer diagnosis nearly three years ago changed his life and encouraged him to spread awareness through Single Jingles.

Pharmacy Student on a Chase to Help Others

A love of running leads one Amarillo pharmacy student to make a difference in his community.

Birth Defects Prevention Month: A Healthy Pregnancy

Not all birth defects can be prevented, but expectant mothers can take several precautions.

Birth Defects Prevention Month: Medications

Over the years, many medications that cause birth defects have been identified and should be avoided during pregnancy.

Birth Defects Prevention Month: Cleft Lip and Palate

The most common birth defect, cleft lip and cleft palate affect 1 or 2 of every 1,000 American babies born each year.

Birth Defects Prevention Month: Autism

An estimated 1 out of 150 children in America will be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.

In the Right Place at the Right Time

Athletic trainer's years of CPR knowledge and quick thinking saved a man's life during a football game.

Chancellor’s Council Awards Announced

For 11 years, the council has recognized university system faculty members for outstanding teaching and research.

Scientists Refine Alzheimer's Simple Blood Test

The test, a simpler version of a previous blood test, has recently been validated in an international journal.
