Help Prevent Medication Misuse and Dispose of Unused Medications
TTUHSC to Host Fall Medication Cleanout

The drive-thru event provides residents with an environmentally responsible way to dispose of their unwanted medications and sharps.
Organized by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy, the Texas Panhandle Poison Center (TPPC) is hosting this year’s Fall Medication Cleanout in Lubbock from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 5 (Saturday) outside the Texas Tech Physicians Medical Pavilion, 3601 Fourth St.
Aiming to prevent misuse and abuse of prescription medication, the drive-thru event provides residents with an environmentally responsible way to dispose of their unwanted medications and sharps. With yard signs directing drivers, the added convenience of staying in their cars allows for an easy drop-off experience.

Volunteers providing support for the event include staff from the TPPC, TTU Police Department, TTU Department of Community, Family and Addiction Services and TTUHSC pharmacy and nursing students.
“It’s time to go through your home to collect any medications that are no longer being used,” TTPC Managing Director Jeanie Shawhart, Pharm.D., said. “Even if they aren’t expired, it’s a good idea to clean them out. Otherwise, they are a risk for poisoning and drug overdose.”
Shawhart said it is eye-opening to see how much unused medication is out there. Unused medications around young children or teens pose a deadly risk and can be extremely harmful to the community. Only household medications can be accepted and it’s recommended to leave them in the original containers. Medications from clinics, pharmacies and other businesses are not allowed.
“By bringing these items to Medication Cleanout you can rest easier,” Shawhart said. “Know that you’ve reduced risk in your home and that your items will not end up in the sewer system or landfill where they could eventually make their way into our drinking water.”
Volunteers providing support for the event include staff from the TPPC, Texas Tech University (TTU) Police Department and the Department of Community, Family and Addiction Services at the TTU College of Human Sciences. Student volunteers from the TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy and School of Nursing will be there as well. For more information or to volunteer, call (806) 414-9495 or visit the Medication Cleanout website.
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