Raider E.L.F. Getting Ready for Holiday Season

Halloween Chili Luncheon

Halloween Chili Luncheon

The Raider Employee Love Fund (Raider E.L.F.) is a not-for-profit organization created to assist TTUHSC employees who may be going through a difficult financial situation, especially during the holiday season. During the past three years alone, Raider E.L.F. has assisted more than 80 families during the holiday season and still provided assistance to other employees during the rest of the year. 

To raise funds for their efforts, Raider E.L.F. holds several events throughout the year. Those fundraisers have included a cooler give-away, a TTU football ticket from Head Coach Kliff Kingsbury’s personal allotment and an autographed football from Coach Kingsbury, a Dine and Donate dinner at Bubba’s 33 and their annual chili luncheon held in conjunction with Halloween.

 “We are truly grateful for the Love, compassion and generosity that the faculty, staff and students show at TTUHSC Amarillo, not to mention our volunteers working behind the scenes to organize events, sell tickets and seek donations,” Raider E.L.F. Chair Dena Hair said. “There is a lot of love poured into this organization by this campus and I am truly humbled every time we host an event.”  

Hair said Raider E.L.F. is currently accepting nominations for families who may need a helping hand during the 2018 holiday season. Nominations should be submitted to Hair and the Raider E.L.F. committee no later than noon on Nov. 9.

Raider E.L.F also will be selling blue jean passes for November and December. The cost is $2 for each for single-day passes, $25 for a one-month pass or $40 for a two-month pass.

Hair said the annual Raider E.L.F Nacho Pile-On luncheon is scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 16 in the School of Pharmacy Auditorium. Tickets are $5 before Nov. 16 and $7 the day of the event. However, Hair encourages everyone to buy their ticket early so Raider E.L.F. will have a better idea of how much food to provide.

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