Cancer Prevention: Check Yourself

Man Up, Check Yourself

If you are like most guys, you have heard of testicular cancer, but don’t know too much about it. Some men don’t like to talk about the topic, maybe because they think it is too embarrassing. If that is the case, it is time to man up and learn the facts.

Alan Haynes, M.D., Texas Tech Physicians — Urology, said the thought of losing a testicle can be unbearable for some men, but it beats the alternative.
“Men need to take the same approach as women do with breast cancer and be proactive about their health,” Haynes said. “The survival rate for men with early-stage seminoma or the least aggressive type of testicular cancer is greater than 95 percent.”

What age does Testicular cancer target men?

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in males 15 to 35 years old. This disease targets younger men who may think they are invincible. Men need to take charge of their health.

What is the survival rate for testicular cancer?

The good news is that testicular cancer is one of the most treatable and survivable types of cancer. Even in late stages, odds of survival are quite high. Yet, treatment may be tougher and more painful to get through and there are possibilities the cancer may spread to other organs.

What are the symptoms?

Men should see a doctor if they notice any of the following symptoms:
• a painless lump or swelling in a testicle
• pain or discomfort in a testicle or in the scrotum
• any enlargement of a testicle or change in the way it feels
• a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
• a dull ache in the lower abdomen, back or groin

What can men do?

Men, the key is to do self-exams on a regular basis. Once a month, examine the size, shape and texture of your testicles. Notice when something is different.

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