Bear Hug: Donate Stuffed Animals to Help Children

The Pediatrics Club will be accepting stuffed animal donations until May 2 in the Academic Classroom Building.

The Pediatrics Club will be accepting stuffed animal donations until May 2 in the Academic Classroom Building.

Bears For Kids in Crisis, a drive locally mediated by the Lubbock Police Department, collects stuffed animals for local police officers to store in the trunks of their squad cars and give to children who have been victims of domestic violence, abuse, neglect, etc. The stuffed animals are meant to bring comfort to suffering children.

Any organization or school is welcome to start a Bears for Kids in Crisis drive.

Ashley Cowan, a first-year student in the School of Medicine, brought the Bears for Kids in Crisis drive to the Pediatrics Club and to the TTUHSC Lubbock campus.

"I contacted the local police force and offered the Pediatrics Club’s help to collect donations of stuffed animals for children,” Cowan said. “This is our first year starting this collection, but I plan to continue it next year when I take over as Pediatric Club president, and hopefully it will continue annually from them on and be a legacy of the Pediatric Club of TTUHSC."

Although the drive is called Bears for Kids in Crisis, all new and like-new stuffed animals are accepted, Cowan said. The items can be any animal, shape and size. The Pediatrics Club’s goal is to collect 100 to 150 stuffed animals.

The Bears for Kids in Crisis collection box will be in the Academic Classroom Building first floor lobby until May 2. The club only has one box, but members will empty the box regularly to make sure there is always space for more stuffed animals.

"The Pediatrics Club is always looking for new ways to get involved with the local community, and this is just a small part we can play to help,” Cowan said. “A small gesture, like donating a teddy bear, can mean a world of relief and comfort to a child in need."

For more information or to donate, email Cowan.

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