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TTUHSC Opens New Behavioral Health and Wellness Clinic

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony and tour for the new Your Life Behavioral Health and Wellness Clinic March 1, 2023.

Prioritize Your Wellness in 2023

Do you like to make New Year’s resolutions? Many people aren’t into that sort of thing, viewing it as a useless or fruitless activity since the resolutions are so difficult to keep. Often the difficulty comes from creating resolutions that are too ambiguous, or too ambitious. Good resolutions, like good goals, should be specific, attainable, and measurable (S-A-M).

Heart Health and the Pharmacist’s Role

For Eric MacLaughlin, Pharm.D., professor and chair for the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy, TTUHSC in Amarillo, cardiovascular health is a daily focus.

Exercising with Your Family

It’s not too late to make a resolution to exercise more and spend quality time with your family. Combining both can lead to long-term benefits for you and your children’s health and their academics.

New Trend for a Healthy Life – Start with a Healthy Heart

Mohammad Ansari, M.D., says keeping a healthy heart is not just a concern for senior adults. It’s something that should be at the forefront of all our minds.

How Social Media is Impacting Healthcare

Moumita Choudhury Au.D., CCC-A, spoke about the present and future of social media’s impact on healthcare in general and on hearing healthcare specifically.

The Health Issues of Human Trafficking

People who have survived being trafficked generally suffer from myriad physical and mental health issues, which makes trafficking both a public health issue and a health care issue.

Youth Sports and Long-term Athletic Development

Toby Brooks, Ph.D., LAT, ATC, discussed the current state of youth sports and what needs to change for kids to get the most out of athletics at every level.

Holiday Season Can Challenge Those With Addictions

For those living with addiction, this time of the year can give rise to a host of addiction-triggering emotions and feelings such as excitement, loneliness, depression and anger.

Maintaining Mental Wellness Through the Holidays

Logan Winkelman, Ph.D., LPC-S, NCC, discussed what stressors the holidays can bring out, and how to maintain boundaries and self-care throughout the season.

More Than a Shave and a Haircut

Students from TTUHSC have formed the Barbershop Blood Pressure Group. The students currently make periodic visits to about 10 Lubbock barber shops to provide free blood pressure checks and general health education.

Raising Awareness for Persons with Disabilities

Living with a disability has many effects on a person’s life, both positive and negative. Overcoming obstacles, achieving goals or dreams, and living a fulfilling life are all things that anyone can relate to.

Pharmacy Professor Tackling Alzheimer’s

Kalin Clifford, PharmD, stays optimistic about the future of diagnosis and treatment options for Alzheimer’s. By serving as a coach for BvB Dallas, Clifford assisted a fundraiser for awareness and research.

Kicking the Habit Puts the Heart Into the Great American Smokeout

It is estimated cigarettes annually lead to the death of more 480,000 people in the U.S. The Great American Smokeout, which the American Cancer Society began in 1977, continues to encourages smokers to kick the habit.

Covenant Children's to Partner with Texas Tech Physicians to Open Outpatient Relational Health Center

Covenant Children’s is expanding their partnership with Texas Tech Physicians – Psychiatry to open an outpatient relational health center at Covenant Children’s hospital.

Novel Medication, Specialized Ambulances Help in Stroke Treatment

Saif Bushnaq, M.D., is a neurologist for the Vascular and Interventional Neurology Division at Texas Tech Physicians, addresses the different types of strokes and the future of stroke medicine.

When it Comes to Grief, One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Michelle Saenz, a licensed professional associate supervised by Evelyn Haro Brister and a mental health clinician at TTUHSC School of Medicine, discussed cultural celebrations and grief.

Living Scared: Why Do We Enjoy Horror Movies, Dangerous Activities?

Natalie Scanlon, Ph.D., L.P., suggested several reasons why some enjoy having their spine tingled on a regular basis.

Treating Mental Health in Rural Areas

Sarah Stringer, DMSc, PA-C, CAQ-Psych., spoke about the role that physician assistants can play in bringing mental health treatment to rural populations.

Men, Women at Risk for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States.
