Adopt a Growth Mindset for a Better Life

mindset concept image

Once upon a time, people believed that the brains of human beings stopped developing in childhood. Now we know that our brains are constantly changing. Various parts of our brains respond to our experiences, enabling new neural pathways to form. Old dogs can learn new tricks!

A “growth mindset” accepts that our intelligence and talents can develop over time, and a person with that mindset understands that through effort and learning, intelligence and talents can improve. A person with a “fixed mindset”, on the other hand, believes that their intelligence and abilities are fixed.  It’s the hand they were dealt and must play.

People with a growth mindset understand that not knowing something, or not being good at something, is often a temporary state. Therefore, they don’t have to feel bad about themselves or pretend they’re smarter or more talented than they are. Instead, they can identify and access resources, give good effort, and exercise patience and persistence.  

Research has shown that people with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace lifelong learning, make a greater effort to learn, and view feedback as an opportunity to learn. Most importantly, individuals with a growth mindset are better able to bounce back when they experience a setback.

Academic and career benefits come with a growth mindset, but many mental health benefits derive as well. Studies found that individuals with a growth mindset have fewer psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety, and they exhibit fewer behavioral problems. A reduction in burnout is another benefit that accompanies a growth mindset.

So what kind of mindset are you operating with? Please let it be a growth mindset!

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