TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy Class of 2022 Honored at Commencement Ceremony

TTUHSC pharmacy graduates.

The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy celebrated the Class of 2022 today (May 21) with its annual commencement ceremony.

Madeline Scarbrough earned the Class of 2022 Banner Bearer award as the graduate with the highest four-year grade point average. As the Banner Bearer recipient, Scarbrough carried the Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy banner and led the class during commencement exercises.

Scarbrough also received the Bowl of Hygieia, the internationally recognized symbol for the pharmacy profession that signifies pure and potent medicines. The Jerry H. Hodge  School of Pharmacy’s award is presented annually to the graduating class member who is deemed to best exemplify the qualities most desirable in a pharmacist: leadership, high ethical standards, dedication and promotion of the pharmacy profession. This is the first time in TTUHSC history that the same student has won both prestigious honors. 

TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy commencement at Hodgetown stadium in Amarillo.

TTUHSC Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy commencement at Hodgetown stadium in Amarillo.

Other Class of 2022 graduates honored for their performances in both the classroom and clinical settings included Ross Singletary, who received the Wolters Kluwer Excellence in Clinical Communication Award; Madeline Scarbrough, the Excellence in Geriatrics Award; Alyssa Teichman, the Community Outreach Award of Excellence; Lou Angeline Leano, the Superior Patient Care Award; Karen Gonzales, the Excellence in Community Practice Award; Kaylee Martin, the Viatris Excellence in Pharmacy Award; Adolfo J.R. Olivarez III, the Excellence in Ambulatory Care Award; Alexis Orozco, the Excellence in Correctional Managed Care Award; Lillian Thai, the Excellence in Inpatient Clinical Practice; and Aaron Woodward, the Excellence in Pediatrics Award.

In addition, Myla Bhakta was selected as the recipient of the Hannah L. Thompson Perseverance Award. The award is presented annually to a student who has been resilient in overcoming setbacks and exemplifies a positive attitude in the face of difficulties. Thompson, a member of the Amarillo Class of 2019, lost her life in November 2018 in a car accident.

The Class of 2022 selected Debra Notturno-Strong, R.Ph., as its Harold Miller – Most Influential Professor in recognition of her superior leadership, dedicated service and teaching excellence. Notturno-Strong is an associate professor of pharmacy practice on the TTUHSC campus in Abilene. 

Latresa Billings, Pharm.D., delivered the commencement address. Billings is president of the Texas Society of Health Systems Pharmacists (TSHP) and an alumna of TTUHSC’s Post-Graduate Residency Program in Dallas.

The 2022 commencement marks the end of the tenure of the second dean of the Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy Quentin Smith, Ph.D., who led the school for the last ten years. Grace Kuo, Pharm.D., Ph.D., was named the third dean of Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy, effective May 16, 2022.

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