School of Nursing Staff Bring Human Connection to Health Care

Unit Manager Allison Pritchard shares inspiration at work, at home

Allison Pritchard, TTUHSC SON

For those within the School of Nursing community at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC),  enrollment and employment is not just a degree or a paycheck. While the campuses across West Texas are home to people who differ in many ways, their commonality is a commitment to the institution and a belief in its purpose.

The faculty and students could not function without the staff who prop them up and support them. Unit manager Allison Pritchard, who has worked for the School of Nursing since 2012, has seen phenomenal growth within the TTUHSC institution.

“The School of Nursing is in so many areas within Texas that it’s hard to not find our footprint,” Said Pritchard. “That speaks volumes to the exceptional education that students receive here.  We grow because we must--and that makes each School of Nursing member proud.”

As Unit Manager, Pritchard dedicates her days to providing for the School of Nursing faculty and students, including assistance in travel, curriculum support and classroom needs. For Pritchard, it’s the individuals who give her a sense of purpose.

“I love that I get to work with the most caring individuals in health care,” said Pritchard. “I never wanted to be a nurse, but I love helping those that do.”

Pritchard finds the acknowledgement of hard work to be a valuable part of her work environment. As a 2019 Distinguished Staff Award recipient, Pritchard understands the importance of appreciation for one’s valiant efforts.

“Acknowledgement of any kind does so much for someone.  It offers value, pride and just a good feeling overall,” said Pritchard, who expressed that recognition can provide individuals the motivation to continue demonstrating their best work.  “It means you’ve been noticed and that what you’re doing means something.”

In addition being highly proactive at work, Pritchard is dedicated to volunteering whenever her busy schedule allows. This passion, it seems, comes naturally to Pritchard, who proudly told of her parents’ philanthropic contributions--especially to the Ronald McDonald House.

“My mother was one of three that wrote the original grant to have the Ronald McDonald House built in Lubbock, so we definitely had our feet on the ground in helping with painting, cleaning and whatever else she had us doing,” said Pritchard. This introduction led Pritchard to volunteer for the charity since its inception.

Pritchard also served as chair for Relay For Life for two years, and is currently spending her time making face masks for groups in need. So far, she has made about 1000 masks, delivering them to clinics, nursing homes and Veterans Affairs, among others.

“I’m very blessed in life, and knowing that I can do something for someone in need makes my heart happy,” she explained, expressing the type of care that aligns perfectly with the values that TTUHSC encourages within their student body.

Pritchard’s pride for the institution is evident, and she credits that pride completely to the individuals around her in the School of Nursing.

“Our team members believe in what is being offered within the School of Nursing, and they believe in each other to complete the tasks at hand and work together as a team to accomplish each goal,” said Pritchard, who mentioned that she sees her fellow employees clearly displaying TTUHSC’s values on a daily basis.

“I’ve seen members pick up for another member if they feel overwhelmed or are out of the office. Some step in just to help--and that alone speaks volumes when working in the many different programs we offer,” said Pritchard. “I’m very proud to be a member of the School of Nursing, and it’s because of the people I work with.”

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