School of Pharmacy Recognizes Faculty, Staff

The School of Pharmacy on May 10 conducted its annual Celebration of Achievement to recognize faculty and staff who helped make the 2018-2019 school year a special one.

Pharmacy Celebration of Achievement


Recipients included:


P1 Teacher of the Year

Nikita Mirajkar, Ph.D.


P1 Teaching Team of the Year

The Pharmacy Formulations & Compounding Team (Fakhrul Ahsan, Ph.D.; Tanvirul Hye, Ph.D.; Anna Karamyan, Ph.D.; Sivaramakrishna Kognati, Ph.D.; and Sami Nazzal, Ph.D.)


P2 Teacher of the Year

Jill Frost, Pharm.D.


P2 Teaching Team of the Year

The Reproductive Pharmacology Team (Jill Frost, Pharm.D.; Tanvirul Hye, Ph.D.; and Nikita Mirajkar, Ph.D.)


P3 Teacher of the Year

Chris Selby, Pharm.D.


P3 Teaching Team of the Year

The Neurosensory/Psychiatry Pharmacotherapy Team (Amie Blaszczyk, Pharm..D.; Anna Karamyan, Ph.D.; Monica Mathys, Pharm.D.; James Stoll, Ph.D.; and Paul Trippier, Ph.D.)


Graduate Students’ Association at Amarillo (GSAA) Teacher of the Year

Constantinos Mikelis, Ph.D.


GSAA Mentor of the Year

Constantinos Mikelis, Ph.D.


GSAA Teaching Team of the Year

The Graduate Physiology-based Pharmacology Team (Ulrich Bickel, Ph.D.; Luca Cucullo, Ph.D.; Vardan Karamyan, Ph.D.; Kalkunte Srivenugopal, Ph.D.; and Margaret Weis, Ph.D.)


GSAA Graduate Student of the Year

Yoon Jung Lee, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Award of Excellence in Staff Services

Amarillo – Dena Hair, Coordinator, Department of Pharmacy Practice

Regional – Kandice Garner, Assistant Director, Office of Experiential Programs, and Jacquelyn Jackson, Coordinator

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