Early Dedication to Medical Education

Office of Admissions Promotes Medicine to Students

EDME Group

The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center’s (TTUHSC) Early Dedication to Medical Education (EDME) program will host its next session 6 p.m. March 18. Fiona Prabhu, M.D., associate professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, will present a program about family medicine. Prabhu currently serves as the course director for Development of Clinics Skills for the School of Medicine and is the medical director for The Free Clinic, a TTUHSC student-run clinic.

EDME is for all students who have an interest in the medical field. EDME’s goal is to build a connection between high school students and the TTUHSC School of Medicine. By offering monthly programs, students are introduced to many specialties in medicine. Potential students learn how to prepare for medical school, gain adequate knowledge about the admissions requirements, and students learn how to pursue summer internships. EDME is an outreach program for high school students supported by the Joint Admission Medical Program. 

Recently, the Office of Admissions hosted 70 ninth graders from Estacado High School. The students visited TTUHSC and the F. Marie Hall SimLife Center and heard a keynote presentation from Felix Morales M.D., associate dean for the School of Medicine Admissions Office, as well as from a medical school student panel. 

For more information about EDME, visit https://www.ttuhsc.edu/medicine/admissions/early-dedication-to-medical-education.aspx or call Julie Dixon, School of Medicine lead advisor, at (806) 743-2297.

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