June Patient Experience Champions

Lisa Powell Photo

Lisa Powell – Sr. LVN – Internal Medicine

Beyond Service

“Lisa Powell is a great submission for the Patient Experience Champion. She is always going above and beyond for her patients. For example, just this past Friday, she stayed until 6:20p admitting a patient for Dr. Test and spent time with assisting her in many ways. This patient is nearing end of life and the extra time she took with this patient was just awesome.”

Linda Day – Medical Billing Associate – Neurology


Linda Day

“Linda is consistently a week out on verifying patient benefits for clinic visits and ensures patients have a referral on file (if required) prior to the appointment. She contacts patients to advise of their upcoming payment responsibility. When a patient doesn’t have money to pay for the visit, Linda doesn’t simply reschedule the patient. She will contact the administrator to ask if there is anything the department can do to assist the patient in their situation. Linda is empathetic to the needs of her patients and is often finding ways to assist them; whether it’s contacting the administrator to advise of their financial situation, providing the patient with information about services such as LCMI or Medicaid, or explaining to the patient in detail about their benefits and coverage information. Patients appreciate that she listens to their concerns and does her best to resolve their concerns regarding their health plan, coverage, or payments. Linda goes above and beyond her job responsibilities by showing that she truly cares. She shows dedication to her work by ensuring that she keeps her work current and far enough out that when she is gone for personal time off or doctor’s visits, we can rest assured that all patient benefits have been verified and referrals are on file. She is very conscientious about her responsibilities and does not want to create more work for her coworkers who cover while she is out. We appreciate Linda’s work ethic, compassion, and accountability. We are grateful to have her on our team!”

Marcy Watson

Marcy Watson – PSS – Famiy Medicine

One Team

“I would like to nominate Marcy Watson, PSS as a Patient Experience champion. She works in our Family Medicine Clinic as a member of our PSS team. I am nominating Marcy because of her outstanding dedication to: ‘Working, while she is at work.’ There are so many distractions and yet Marcy never lets these distractions get in the way of her excellent level of service. For example, she routinely wins the Family Medicine Weekly Call Contest – the contest to answer the most calls. She is also at the top of the call agent list for the least amount of time spent not ready. Marcy is also very friendly and kind when working at the front desk. She sets an outstanding example to all team members and our patients appreciate her high level of service.”

Patient Experience Champions at Texas Tech Physicians

Patient Experience Champions are members of the Texas Tech Physicians team who consistently work to ensure a great experience for their patients. Congratulations to our Champions – You make Texas Tech Physicians an excellent place for our patients! If you want to nominate your coworker to be  a Patient Experience Champion, please email your submission to PatientServices@ttuhsc.edu.

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