Saving Lives Behind the Scenes

Tammy Carter, Ph.D.

“I chose Clinical Laboratory Science because I have a passion for medical science and I simply love working in the lab.” -Tammy Carter, Ph.D.

With any visit to the hospital, patients interact with physicians, nurses and many other health care professionals. Behind the scenes of any hospital scene, clinical laboratory scientists also provide essential life-saving discoveries that directly impact the diagnosis, treatment and care of a patient. 
“Clinical Laboratory Science is an exciting field that allows an individual to apply their knowledge and lab skills while positively affecting patient care,” said Tammy Carter, Ph.D., program director for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (CLS). “I chose Clinical Laboratory Science because I have a passion for medical science and I simply love working in the lab.”  

Students provide diagnostic information

Clinical Laboratory Scientists provide 70 percent of the critical information for diagnosis, treatment and preventative care.

Clinical laboratory scientists provide 70 percent of the critical information required for diagnosis, treatment and preventative care. This is essential for assessing patient health and identifying severe diseases.

Through complex instrumentation, sophisticated techniques and specialized knowledge, scientists analyze body specimens such as tissues and fluids.
 “As technology advances to improve health care, the laboratory sciences advance as well. We are on the cutting edge of diagnostic medicine and are continually improving our techniques and skills with each new medical development. Laboratory professionals are key members of the health care team and play a vital role in assuring quality health care to the public,” Carter explained.

Students in TTUHSC Clinical Laboratory Sciences prepare for positions in clinical labs through education and hands-on training which includes state-of-the-art instrumentation and technology.

“Students of the program have obtained jobs in the following areas: medical technologists, scientists, laboratory management, sales representatives (biotechnology), field applications specialists, technology support and research and development. We have also had students that have gone on to be successful in careers as physicians, physician assistants, pharmacists and dentists,” said Carter.

Tammy Carter, Ph.D., instructs students

CLS students can go on to careers in clinical labs (either hospital or reference labs), research labs, industry and forensics.

 Those who complete their degrees go on to careers in clinical labs (either hospital or reference labs), research labs, industry and forensics. For TTUHSC School of Health Professions CLS students, the CLS program opens the door to many different fields in research and health care.

For more information about TTUHSC School of Health Professions Clinical Laboratory Sciences please visit: clinical-laboratory-science/

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