Kristin Kinsley

"I needed something that was going to be ever changing and ever evolving, and I found it with medicine. Volunteering at The Free Clinic on Wednesdays are my favorite day. The Free Clinic allows us to use skills we are learning. Last week, I got to explain to a patient what blood pressure means and how it works. He had no idea, and didn’t even know how we knew his heart was beating so fast.  I showed him how to check his own pulse. So much learning happens within those walls and incredible amounts of knowledge shared. Being a part of The Free Clinic is something I am really proud of, and I am so thankful that a place like that exists—such a huge team of amazingly wonderful individuals that help provide so many resources to people in our community that otherwise would not have access to health care. I love working with this team that wants to ensure everyone is able to get what they need to stay healthy and be as happy as possible. My favorite part are the patients. Being able to help them through whatever issue they have, minor or life-altering, that is what gives me life!"

Kristin Kinsley, is a second-year medical student from the Woodlands, Texas. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Before coming to medical school, she worked with Aviation Electronics in the U.S. Navy, studied to be a pastry chef and also worked as a scribe.

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