TTUHSC School of Medicine Named Second Most Affordable Medical School in the Country
The U.S. News and World Report ranked the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
(TTUHSC) School of Medicine as the second most affordable medical school in the country
for out-of-state students.
The ranking included tuition cost, debt at graduation and available scholarships by
the medical schools. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC),
the average debt of medical students is $172,267. TTUHSC School of Medicine’s average
is $141,489, a more than $30,000 savings.
“Many different quality measures make our School of Medicine extremely competitive
at a national level,” said Steven L. Berk, M.D., TTUHSC executive vice president,
provost and School of Medicine dean. “Our students receive a quality education at
a lower cost – one of the lowest in the nation.”
Berk said the TTUHSC School of Medicine not only has ranked high nationally in affordability
but in the quality of education including:
On of the top medical schools in the country with percentage of students who stay
in their home state to practice medicine (63 percent of TTUHSC medical students stay
in Texas)
Ranked in the top 12 in the country in percentage of students who go into family medicine.
TTUHSC School of Medicine was the first in the nation to offer a three-year Family
Medicine Accelerated Track as part of their commitment to help educate primary care
Students ranked school at top 10 percent for satisfaction
Ranked first in the country by the AAMC Faculty Forward in 2015, an initiative launched
by the AAMC to measure faculty satisfaction and to support participating schools of
medicine in their efforts to improve organizational performance
TTUHSC School of Medicine students have 98 to 99 percent United States Medical Licensing
Examination pass rates
Offers dual degrees including M.D./J.D., M.D./Masters of Business Administration and
M.D./Ph.D. degrees
“We offer an innovative curriculum, and our quality measures enable our students to
obtain the best residencies across the country,” Berk said.
According to a new Student Loan Hero study, the TTUHSC School of Medicine also has
the sixth lowest tuition of any medical school surveyed in the country for in-state
medical students. TTUHSC medical students agree the quality of the medical education
they receive compares or exceeds with medical schools across the country for a more
affordable value.
“I chose TTUHSC because of their dedicated and supportive faculty and knew that I
would be getting an education centered around excellence,” said Sarah Jaroudi, a fourth-year
medical student.“The affordability of our School of Medicine made it an undeniable
choice for medical school.”
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