Faculty Senate Updates

TTUHSC Faculty Senate - February 2017 Updates


On the Horizon:

  • The Child Care Facility update- The proposed location of the Childcare Center is the northwest corner of 10th Street and Texas Tech Parkway.  An RFP has been released for the construction, operation and management of a childcare facility.  Ideally, the facility will be ready for occupancy and childcare services capable of serving an enrollment capacity of not less than 150 full time enrollees on or before August 2017.  A supplement to the RFP is a sick child care center to be constructed and operate as part of, although separate, from the proposed childcare facility.  The approximate timeline for project approval is:


December 13, 2016 – Procurement Services staff publicly released RFP

February 10, 2017 – Proposal responses due

February 13-April 1, 2017 – Response evaluation and presentations from Proposers

May 18-19, 2017 – Submit to Board of Regents

May 22, 2017 – Award if approved by committee, BOR, Presidents, and Chancellor


            The deadline for submission is June 15, 2017.

            Time to nominate your colleagues!


Faculty Senate Home Page:  https://www.ttuhsc.edu/facultysenate/

  • Meetings are the first Friday of each month unless the date falls on a holiday. Agendas, minutes and details with room locations/times can be found on the Faculty Senate Home page.


Faculty Senators: https://www.ttuhsc.edu/facultysenate/members.aspx

  • You input is valuable and welcomed. Please contact your school’s faculty senator to share ideas and concerns. You have a voice!


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