Leadership is a family affair for Lenamon

Abilene campus graduate, and current pharmacy resident in Amarillo, receives Dean’s Student Leadership Award

Hannah Lenamon (Center)

Hannah Lenamon (center) with Mary Klein, Pharm.D., and Dean Quentin Smith

When Hannah Lenamon arrived at the School of Pharmacy campus in Abilene campus, she brought with her a leadership style influenced primarily by her family. When she graduated in May, she did so as one of the most respected leaders for the Class of 2017 and the recipient of the Dean’s Student Leadership Award for the Abilene campus.

“I’ve never been one to volunteer for leadership positions with an award in mind, but it is certainly nice to be appreciated for the hard work I put in throughout pharmacy school,” Lenamon said. “There are many long nights and stressful days behind my being presented this award and I am grateful my efforts have been noticed.”

Lenamon, currently a PGY-1 resident in community pharmacy practice at the TTUHSC School of Pharmacy campus in Amarillo, grew up in McGregor, a small town about 15 minutes southwest of Waco. Her mother has worked as a schoolteacher and librarian and her father as a school administrator. She described both as strong and independent leaders.

“I grew up watching my mother deal with a variety of children with poise and intelligence,” Lenamon said. “She can turn children who hate reading into the biggest book worms and she can help even the most challenged of children understand a tough math problem. She has truly inspired me to be an approachable and kind leader to all.”

Lenamon’s father, James, was recently named superintendent for the McGregor Independent School District.

“I have already seen him juggle countless budget issues, personnel issues and other school related problems,” Lenamon said. “However, during all of this, he has never forgotten his family and he always makes time for us. In this way, he motivates me to be both a strong leader and successful family woman.”

As a teenager, Lenamon honed her leadership skills by helping her younger sister learn to spell and teaching her to dribble a basketball. In recent years, Lenamon helped her sister navigate the often-intimidating processes that are part of the college experience.

“Seeing my sister thrive with the leadership of myself and others has really helped to cement for me the idea that a strong leader makes or breaks a group,” Lenamon said. “For this reason, I want to lead others in a way that puts them in a position to succeed.”

As a pharmacy student, Lenamon was very active in student organizations like Kappa Psi, Phi Lambda Sigma. She was also an officer for the TTUHSC Student Government Association and the School of Pharmacy Student Council. She also served as president for the National Community Pharmacists Association and she is a new board member for the West Texas Pharmacy Association.

“I think it is important for students to be involved in a multitude of organizations, Lenamon said. “They can help you find your calling, connect you to great contacts and they are a vital part of the pharmacy school experience”

Lenamon’s dream is to work in a small independent or retail pharmacy that specializes in compounding, veterinary pharmacy or both. Because of her experiences as a pharmacy school leader, she also plans to continue mentoring future West Texas pharmacists no matter where her career takes her.

“As a student organization leader, I have had to deal with some very high-stress situations,” Lenamon said. “Because of this, I now know how to better budget my time and resources, all while staying cool and collected. I have also had to deal with many different people with many different personalities; I know this will also be true as I go forward into my professional career.” 

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