TTUHSC Faculty Senate Updates
Fellow faculty members,
2016 has emerged with several successes from our organization, including participation in constructing the Campus Carry policy and revision of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Faculty Senate bylaws. The senate is excited to share these updates with you as we are working to provide you an exceptional TTUHSC experience.
Victory Bells
- Faculty Senate has revised the organizational constitution and bylaws to be more congruent with current practices. These will soon be available on the faculty senate website.
- Faculty Senate was honored to play a supportive role in the development of the TTUHSC Writing Center, which began last year. The senate continues to view the Writing Center as a strong solution in providing support for our students and faculty to engage in meaningful written assignments across professional disciplines. Additional resources are available on the Writing Center website.
- The Texas Tech University System (TTUS) Board of Regents and TTUHSC Faculty Senate collaborated to update the Regents’ Rules Intellectual Property Rights policy. This policy includes information on provisions of ownership, disclosure, conflicts of interests and consulting. To see the full policy, visit the TTUS website.
- To address the Texas Government Code Section 411.2031, Faculty Senate worked with President Tedd L. Mitchell, M.D., and other university groups to create a policy that would safely implement the Campus Carry policy. For more information on the policy, visit the TTUHSC Operating Policies and Procedures website.
On the Horizon
- Faculty award nominations are open with new simple and easy steps. Please submit nominations for your colleagues that provide outstanding work for our university. You can find the updated application instructions and rating rubric on the senate website. The deadline for submission is June 15, 2016.
- The TTUS Chancellor and Faculty Senate are currently exploring the idea of a child care center on the TTUHSC Lubbock campus. The goal is that upon development, the center will serve as a model for the regional campuses.
- Active shooter training development has begun. Opportunities for training will be announced by Faculty Senate as they develop.
We encourage you to join Faculty Senate meetings, which are held on the first Friday of each month, unless the date falls on a holiday. Meeting agendas, with location and time details, and minutes are available on the senate website.
Lastly, we welcome your ideas, thoughts and comments. To share your voice, please contact your faculty senator.
Your Faculty Senate
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