More to Golf than Your Swing

Golf injuries have been reported to affect 15 to 20 percent of golfers each year. Golf requires explosive power for driving off the tee and fairways. With summer nearly in full swing, let’s talk golf injuries and ways to avoid that post 18 sore back.
Studies continue to conclude that recreational golfers tend to sustain more golf injuries than professional golfers and that more injuries occur as players age. Generally, overuse injuries tend to occur as we get older because joints and tendons become less able to withstand stress.
Lower back strain is the most common golf injury accounting for about 20 percent of all golf injuries. Low back problems occur as a result of the rotation and extension motion in the golf swing. In elite golfers, the golf swing can generate club head speeds of more than 120 miles per hour. In a study of PGA golfers, 33 percent experienced low back problems for more than two weeks in the past year. A 2004 study suggested increasing the range of motion of the lumbar spine and extension and rotation of the lead hip (left hip in right–handed golfers) may decrease back pain.
The elbow is the second most common injured area in golfers. The two most common problems are medial epicondylitis (also known as golfer’s or thrower’s elbow) and lateral epicondylitis (commonly known as tennis elbow). Both are thought to occur as a result of a poor swing. Golfer’s Elbow is thought to be caused by hitting shots “fat” that is, hitting the ground first. Tennis Elbow is thought to be caused by over swinging with the right hand. Both of these problems increase with age and play frequency. Good pre-participation stretching of the upper arms and a good upper body-strengthening program has been shown to decrease these problems.
In professional golfers, the wrist is another common area of injury. The lead wrist (left wrist in right handed golfers) is most commonly injured. The majority of golf injuries are overuse injuries of the wrist flexor and extensor tendons. Such overuse injuries are treated with rest, splinting and either oral anti-inflammatory medicines or steroid injections. Therapy exercises, altering swing mechanics and strengthening the forearm and hand muscles also are beneficial.
The shoulder is also commonly injured area for golfers. There are specific muscles in the shoulder activated in the golf swing. These are the subscapularis (rotator cuff), pectoralis (pecs) and latissimus dorsi (lats). Impingement syndrome (a bursitis and tendonitis in the shoulder), rotator cuff problems and arthritis are other shoulder problems that present in golfers. These occur most frequently in the lead arm. A good warm-up routine and specific exercises targeting the shoulder can help decrease injury.
Consider other ways to lower your risk of golf injuries:
- Warm up. One survey showed more than 80 percent of golfers spent less than 10 minutes warming up before a round. Those who did warm up had less than half the incidence of injuries of those who did not warm up before playing. Before you practice or play a round of golf, warm up with a brisk walk. Stretch your hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, spine and pelvis. Swing your golf club a few times, gradually increasing your range of motion.
- Strengthen your muscles. You don’t need to be Rambo to hit a long drive —but the stronger your muscles, the greater your club speed. Stronger muscles are less prone to golf injuries. For best results, do strength-training exercises year-round.
- Focus on flexibility. Regular stretching can improve your range of motion and lead to a more fluid golf swing.
- Build up your endurance. Regular aerobic activity can give you fatigue resistance on the golf course. Try walking, bicycling or swimming.
- Lift and carry clubs with care. Golfers who carry their own bags have higher rates of shoulder and back injuries than do other golfers. If you lift heavy clubs out of your vehicle, you could injure yourself before you reach the first tee box. Use proper lifting technique. Keep your back straight and use the strength of your legs to lift.
- Choose proper footwear. Wear golf shoes with short cleats. Long cleats dig into the sod and hold your feet planted as you swing, which may strain your knees or ankles.
Remember, many of these problems can be improved by using good swing mechanics. Instruction by a golf pro is one of the best ways to decrease your chances of being injured.
Matthew Ferguson, M.D., is an orthopedic surgeon at Texas Tech Physicians — Lubbock and an assistant professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation.
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