It’s Never Too Late

Former smokers acknowledge that the quitting the habit is one of the most difficult a person can do. Many long-term smokers believe that the benefits of quitting are small if they have already been smoking for decades. However, according to Allison Kerin, M.S., R.D., L.D., director of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) employee wellness and recognition, the benefits of quitting smoking do not have a time limit, and regardless of how long you have smoked, now is a great time to quit.

Kerin said the benefits to quitting are both immediate and gradual. In fact, the American Cancer Society says that after the first 20 minutes without a cigarette, your blood pressure and heart rate drop. And, after 15 years smoke-free, your risk for heart disease is no different than someone who has not smoked.

Here is a timeline from Kerin and the American Cancer Society of the benefits of quitting smoking.

After 12 Hours
Carbon monoxide in the former smoker’s blood normalizes.

After 2 Weeks
Circulatory and respiratory function improves.

After 1 Month
Coughing and shortness of breath decrease as the lung’s cilia (hair-like structures that carry mucus out of the lungs) regain function. This reduces the risk of infection.

After 1 Year
Coronary heart disease risk is roughly half of a smoker’s.

After 5 Years
Risk of death due to mouth, throat, esophagus or bladder cancer is cut in half and cervical cancer risk becomes even with a non-smoker’s risk.

Kerin said some effects, while not entirely health-related, are also a great incentive to kick the smoking habit.

“Soon after quitting, a former smoker’s breath, hair, clothes and skin smell better,” Kerin said. “Food will taste better and his or her sense of smell returns to normal. Also, the former smoker will have extra money they normally would have spent on cigarettes.”

TTUHSC has and will be adding even more resources available to help employees quit smoking for good. For more information about getting help, contact Kerin at (806) 743-6462.

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