Have a Healthy Halloween

Keep sharp objects away from young children  leave pumpkin carving to the adults.

Keep sharp objects away from young children leave pumpkin carving to the adults.

All Dressed Up

  • Test make-up in a small area. Remove before bed to prevent irritation.
  • Lower your risk for eye injury by avoiding decorative contact lenses.
  • Wear well-fitting masks, costumes and shoes to avoid blocked vision and falls.

Carving a Niche

  • Keep small children away from knives. Instead, have them use markers to decorate pumpkins.
  • Consider using a glow stick or LED light instead of a candle to light pumpkins.

Healthy Halloween

  • A good meal prior to parties and trick-or-treating will discourage youngsters from filling up on Halloween treats.
  • Consider handing out non-food treats for trick-or-treaters, such as coloring books or pens and pencils.
  • Examine your child's candy for choking hazards and tampering. Limit the amount of treats you eat.
  • Try to ration treats for the days following Halloween.

Click here for more Halloween health and safety tips.


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