Survivor Vows to Never Stop Fighting

Gonzalez's zest for life recently led to the fulfillment of her dream trip to New Mexico with fellow survivors.

Gonzalez's zest for life recently led to the fulfillment of her dream trip to New Mexico with fellow survivors.

When the fight against breast cancer gets tough, one El Paso woman doesn’t give up. For more than a decade, she has dedicated her life to beating breast cancer and helping others in their own battles.

Carmen Gonzalez, coordinator of support services at the University Breast Care Center in El Paso, was recently diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer after having won her battle three times prior. Yet while others in her position might feel down on their luck, Gonzalez has a passion for life, which can be seen by something she carries with her each day.

“I keep a poem from Ana Maria Rabathé with me at all times,” she said. “It’s called En Vida Hermano, En Vida. It reminds me of what’s important in life, like the people we love, and that we need to let them know we cherish them today while we’re all still together.”

Her dedication to the cause has awarded her national recognition. She has been a guest on “The View” and Telemundo Miami to speak about how breast cancer impacts Hispanic women, and has received numerous awards including the Yoplait Champion award, a national honor that recognizes women who have made extraordinary contributions in the fight against breast cancer.

Over the years, Gonzalez has made friends who share in her dream to beat breast cancer. In fact, she recently took a trip with 46 of these breast cancer survivors and their family members to the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Cabin in Mescalero, N.M., a trip of relaxation she had always dreamed of making with her fellow survivors and a way to enjoy life despite her recent diagnosis.

In everything she does, Gonzales believes in fulfilling her dreams today because you never know what the future holds.

En Vida Hermano, En Vida

Si quieres ser feliz
A alguien que quieras mucho...
Dicelo Hoy, se muy bueno
En Vida, Hermano, en Vida...

No esperes a que se mueran
¿si deseas dar una flor ?
Mandalas hoy con amor
En Vida, Hermano, en Vida...

Si deseas decir “Te quiero”
A la gente de tu casa
Al amigo cerca o lejos
En vida, hermano, en Vida...

No esperes a que se muera
La gente para quererla
Y hacerle sentir tu afecto
En Vida, Hermano, en Vida...

Tú serás muy venturoso
Si aprendes a hacer felices,
A todos los que conozcas.
En Vida, Hermano, en Vida...

Nunca visites panteones
Ni llenes tumbas de flores
Llena de amor corazones
En Vida, Hermano en Vida.

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