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Pharmacy Students Practice Residency Interview Skills

Fourth-year pharmacy students interested in applying for post-graduate residency positions were able to practice their interview skills Jan. 10-11 at the School of Pharmacy’s annual mock interview sessions.

Karamyan Receives Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award

Vardan T. Karamyan, Ph.D., an associate professor for the School of Pharmacy, was one of four Texas Tech University System faculty members to receive a Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching Award Jan. 24 in Lubbock.

School of Pharmacy Shines Spotlight on Research

The TTUHSC School of Pharmacy on Jan. 29 announced its researchers received more than $9.2 million in new research funding from January 2018 through January 2019.

Pharmacy Researcher Awarded NIH Grant

Paul Trippier, Ph.D., received a five-year, $1.88 million research grant n December from the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Grad Students to Attend Annual Toxicology Meeting

Four students from the School of Pharmacy’s Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences (GPPS) have received a Graduate Student Travel Support Award to attend the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology.
