Poverty and lack of health information is prominent in Cameroon.
A trip to a local drugstore and a few dollars can help provide quality health care to people in Africa.
Medical students are gathering over-the-counter medications and other supplies that can be used by Purpose Medical Mission at the Healing Touch Medical Center in Muyuka, Cameroon, West Africa.
"Degenerative joint disease is common among the local farmers and peptic ulcer disease is common among all people," said Asongu Ncho, one of the organizers of the medication and medical supply drive. "Several other conditions also exist that contribute to the significant morbidity and mortality of the Cameroonian people, with an average healthy life expectancy of 41.5 years."
Ncho said The Purpose Medical Mission team travels to Cameroon every summer. All services provided by purpose medical mission are free of charge.
“The goal of Purpose Medical Mission is to build long term healthy communities in the Southwest province of Cameroon where extreme poverty and lack of basic health care and education is prominent,” said Cynthia Sirri, another drive organizer. “The medication drive will help provide medications and other basic medical needs for many people who would otherwise not have these basic health supplies like bandages, Tylenol, cold and cough medication.”
Purpose Medical Mission was founded by School of Allied Health Sciences alumnus Sixtus Atabong, P.A., and receives support from Lubbock medical professionals.
Requested items include:
- Pain relievers such as Advil, Motrin and Aleve
- Naproxen
- Anti-diarrheals
- Heartburn medications
- Constipation medications
- Bandages
- Band-Aids
- Non-latex examination gloves
- Toothbrushes
Donations may be dropped off by June 1 at the Office of International Affairs, 3601 4th St., Room 2B410 or in the Student Services office located in Academic Classroom Building Room 2B410.
For more information about Purpose Medical Mission, attend the Global Health Lecture given by Nicole Hines, R.N., MSN, managing director of Institutional Infection Control at the School of Medicine., at noon on May 4 in ACB 120.